A list of recommendations for the BHL Consortium’s consideration given its current capacities; with additional resources BHL could expand its Wikimedia efforts to meet pressing global challenges. Each of these recommendations was evaluated using the MoSCoW methodology (M - Must have, S - Should have, C - Could have, W - Won't have.)
# | Wikimedia Project | Recommendation | Priority (MoSCoW) |
1 | Wikipedia | Continue to hold edit-a-thons for Wikidata and Wikipedia and explore a transcribe-a-thons for Wikisource | Could |
2 | Wikipedia | Create a BHL GLAM project page | Could |
3 | Wikipedia | Solicit a Wikipedian-in-residence position | Should |
4 | Wikipedia | Should | |
5 | Wikimedia Commons | Reconcile the Flickr image tag dataset to Wikimedia Commons species illustrations to further populate Wikidata and Wikipedia species pages BHL illustrations. | Should |
6 | Wikimedia Commons | Transform wikitext into structured data on Wikimedia Commons to expose BHL images to a SPARQL endpoint for user search and eventual harvest back into the BHL ecosystem. | Should |
7 | Wikidata / General | Participate in emerging linked open bibliographic data for production by electing BHL representatives to participate in the LD4P community meetings and discussions | Should |
8 | Wikidata | Review Wikidata BHL properties and make recommendations to the Wikidata community for additions to other indexed entities in BHL that do not currently have properties: Collections, Contributors, Subjects, Items | Could |
9 | Wikidata | Increase capacity towards crowdsourcing the assignment of Q#s to article metadata by documenting the workflow on the BHL Wikidata Project page and using Rod Pages BHL2Wiki tool and QuickStatements. | Doing |
10 | Wikidata | Continue to interlink BHL data growing global knowledge graph through periodic loads of updated metadata in the Mix'N'Match tool (currently: 1. BHL Bibliography IDs and 2. Creator IDs.) | Doing |
11 | Wikidata | Doing | |
12 | Wikidata | Expand capacity for current Creator ID disambiguation work (e.g. Wikidata sub-project page, BHL trainings and videos, Mix'N'Match and Open Refine workshop) | Doing |
13 | Wikidata | Rapidly develop BHL staff understanding of emerging linked open data standards by sponsoring a group session for interested BHL Staff in the Wikidata Institute | Doing |
14 | Wikidata | Harvest Wikidata QIDs and other PIDs associated with BHL creator IDs; import the matches into the BHL database | Doing |
15 | Wikidata | Connect BHL resources to other knowledge bases for our users by exposing the Wikidata QID on the BHL front-end; start the core entities: authors, articles (parts), and titles. | Doing |
16 | Wikidata | Should | |
17 | Wikidata | Expand Wikidata knowledge and efforts by soliciting a Wikidatan-in-Residence position for 2022-2023, and beyond. | Should |
18 | Wikibase | Deploy a BHL Wikibase.cloud instance to explore semantic enrichment of entities not represented in the BHL data model and federate BHL's data with the growing global knowledge graph. | Could |
19 | Wikibase | Deepen understanding of BHL's relationship network by using Contributor data to construct a knowledge graph in Wikibase. Start organizations, then interlink people. | Doing |
20 | Wikibase | Understand development cost and level of effort by monitoring SLA's Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Wikibase installation; select a BHL representative to participate and observe. | Doing |
21 | General | Become eligible for extended Wikimedia benefits open to official Wikimedia User Groups and bring together Wikimedia biodiversity practitioners by applying to become a Wikimedia User Group https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_user_groups | Should |
22 | General | Address BHL Data challenges by sponsoring annual Data Science contests; sample projects could include methods for entity disambiguation, adding geolocation data to the corpus, OCR correction, building on the art of life work, etc. (suggestion from R. Page) | Could |
23 | General | Could | |
24 | General | Develop BHL staff expertise by sponsoring the acquisitions of skills and certifications focused on BHL collection and technical development from organizations like SNAC School, Scrum Alliance, Library Carpentry, Library Juice Academy, etc. | Must |